Lets face it, with so many so called “SEO Guru’s” out there, many people think that SEO or search engine optimization is some sort of witchcraft. If you are working with a reputable organization that could not be further from the truth. Search engine marketing is complex process of research and analyzing current on site and off site factors that attribute to your website’s overall ranking in popular search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Upon locating weaknesses compared to competitor websites that currently outrank yours, we are able to plot an exact road-map of what changes need to be made to your website and what external criteria needs to be put in place to in essence, make your web page more attractive and show more authority than your competition.

This is what drives higher search engine rankings and is the only proven path to Google page one. We have worked with many companies small and large and our process can produce serious results even on tight budget. Each customer has their own needs and with highly competitive search terms, a larger budget can certainly expedite the process. Our SEO system is very flexible, but the nuts and bolts are built on time tested results driven actions.

It All Starts With An SEO Audit!

The good thing is that we offer free website audits to all of our existing and prospective customers. This is provided at no cost so you can see for yourself, what factors are currently attributed to your search engine rankings and we can provide solutions to fix the issues we uncover. You can get your free “no obligation” Free SEO Site Audit and decide for yourself if our services are right for you.

This audit will look at hundreds of ranking factors and will even render results showing errors in code on your website. The pdf report will be sent directly to you, if you choose to start fixing your website errors and issues, we applaud you for being a real leader who knows how to get things done. On the other hand, if you think a little help from the pro’s is in order, we are here.

So What Does An SEO Agency Actually Do?

Well, the short answer is, many things. However, the one goal of any successful SEO agency is to build trust and authority to your company and its product or service. The trust can be in the eyes of potential customers or the eyes of search engines. Building these signals in a variety of ways is what will through time force your website to rank better and better. Below is a short list of some of the tasks that every winning SEO team will work on to help assure high search engine rankings and that your website shows the authority and trust it deserves.

Off Page SEO Tasks
– Website SEO Audit
– Identify direct competitors
– compare inbound links
– compare inbound quality scores
– Build external brand properties
– Claim social media properties
– List your site on business directories
-Remove duplicate content linking back to your site
– Find new ways to grow inbound links
– Build keyword rich content to drive referral traffic to your website
– Grow authority by gaining presence on external sites
– much more…

On Page SEO Tasks
– Website Technical Audit
– Find and fix on page errors
– Build strong site structure
– SILO internal linking
– Optimize Site and Images for page speed
– Add proper ALT tags for accessibility
– Create engaging content that draws in organic search/views
– Assure H1, H2, H3 tags are being used properly
– Add or correct Meta data when necessary
– Add or correct schema markup
– Geo tag images when appropriate
– much more…

Want To See How Our SEO Team Can Drive Loads Of Free Traffic To Your Website?

Lets talk! Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you and see how we can build a working relationship to help your organization find new website traffic from free organic search and start winning more customers, selling more products and acquiring more leads than ever before.